For those looking for something ancient and enticing, Dangerous Man is proud to serve you our newest release: German-Style Alt!
Arguably one of the oldest traditional beers in the world, the Altbier is an ale that derives from the Westphalia region of Germany, and is particularly renowned in the city of Dusseldorf. Although it is style that has been brewed for a long period of time, it took it’s name after lagers began to become vogue all over Europe. Altbier literally translates to “old beer” as it was a typical style of the region that was top-fermented, the old way of brewing, rather than the newer style of bottom-fermented lagers. Brewer’s began to lager, meaning cellar at colder temperatures which was conveniently allowed by the cooler temperatures of the region, their altbiers to give them smoother, crisper flavor than many ales available at the time. The altbier quickly became a regional beer and it’s popularity is mainly found in Dusseldorf in many of the brewpubs of the city, though it is a little harder to find outside of Germany.
Rob and Keigan approached this German-Style Alt to replicate the Dusseldorf styling. Using a variety of regional malts including Pilsner, Munich, Dark Munich, and Caramunich II, the Dangerous Men gave the beer a rounded copper-brown color. The German Magnum and Cluster hops gives this Alt an apparent but balanced aroma and bittering with the pleasant nutty malt flavors. This German-Style Alt is a perfect way to ease our palates into some of the heavier beers coming in the fall seasons.
Let’s have a drink to where the Neanderthals roamed, and wish we were on the river Dussel! Drink local, drink Dangerous!